Webpage; covers Dura-Line Europe’s ambitious sustainability goals in line with the Paris Agreement and EU sustainability targets. Highlights Dura-Line and parent company Orbia’s accomplishments, product innovations, and role in shaping EU telecom sustainability standards.

Alternative Fiber Deployment Methods Series

Explainer article that outlines the key benefits, advantages, and challenges of MicroTrenching in fiber broadband deployments.

Understanding the Impacts of Synthetic Nitrogen on Air and Water Quality Using Integrated Models

Research summary article, 2021; describes how synthetic nitrogen – often found in agricultural fertilizers – can lead to several types of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Summarizes relevant EPA research, including an innovative integrated modeling system that combines agricultural, atmospheric, and hydrological models to understand the role of agriculture in pollution.

Blog post, 2023; outlines several myths about what credit scores are, how consumer financial behaviors influence credit scores, and offers several concrete and straightforward steps for readers to establish or improve their credit score.
